Monday, October 29, 2012

We've Moved!

I decided to work on a book for boys and girls. That makes this blog not just a princess blog anymore (pun intended) so I decided to roll out a new blog for my kids book exploits called "Mary Lee Kids".

Here's the new digs.

 Mary Lee

Friday, October 26, 2012

Special Deal On The Mia Collection

The promotion for the third Mia book is over today but you can still get a deal.
Get the entire Mia collection (all three ebooks!) for only $7.99.

Here's the link:

 Mary Lee

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Free Children's Ebook Today!

If you've been following this blog you'll notice a trend. Whenever I have a new book, to celebrate, I run a free promotion. Guess what???? I'm doing it again. Wednesday and Thursday, get the "Surprise in the Kitchen" ebook FREE! If you like it please leave a review. If you really want to make me happy, you'll hit the like button and agree with all the tags on the bottom of the amazon page as well.

Here's the link:

 Mary Lee

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mia Book 3 Available Now!

It's been a couple weeks since I've blogged but I come back to you with big news. I have finished Mia book 3 and it is now available on Amazon. Below is the cover and here's the link:

 Mary Lee

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sneak Preview of Mia Book 3!

I'm about half way done with Mia book 3 so I thought I might share a peek.

Mary Lee

Monday, September 24, 2012

Why Ebook Piracy is Killing Indie Authors

I just found out one of my books was pirated and available for a free download on a site without my permission. Not only that but they list a counter on top that says it was downloaded illegally 4000 times.

Like many people, I didn't really care when Napster was hurting the sales of millionaire bands and many may have the same opinion with ebooks. With the recent lawsuit of big publishers trying to jack up the prices of ebooks, many may feel they deserve it. So why should anyone care if people download a few free books?

The simple answer is because it's hurting indie authors. We don't have a big publisher to back us up with marketing dollars, give us money up front and protect us with lawyers. While we may give our books away for free a couple days, it's really mostly to get visibility through the "people who bought this, also bought this" lists on Amazon. Downloading a free illegal copy gains an indie author nothing and generally hurts sales. After all, why pay for something you can get for free?

Popular books with a big publisher get thousands of paid downloads a month. The average indie book is lucky to get 100. When it's available for free elsewhere, that number drops until it's no longer worth it for them to make more books. Taking legal action can cost a lot more than an indie makes on a book and many piracy sites are from countries without copyright laws.

Indie authors do not in any way deserve getting stolen from. The average price of an indie is between .99 and $3.99 making the royalty only between .35-2.50 a book. The price already has to be low for someone to take a chance on a new author. Stealing from a rich publisher may make you feel like Robin Hood but stealing from a poor indie author is just mean.

So what does that mean for me? It could mean I'm working on my last Mia book. I'll just have to see how much sales go down from here. Being out for only a couple months, my two books combined haven't sold half as many as the indie-killer site has given away. Luckily, I believe one of them hasn't been pirated yet but, it may be just a matter of time.

Mary Lee

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sneak Preview of Mia Book 2!

In case you didn't get in on the promotion and might want to take a peek, here is a few pages of Mia's book 2, Beautiful, Magical, Amazing Ballet.


Mary Lee